
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

MACC: Rural Retreat V.S Grayson

On January 28, the Rural Retreat MACC teams played Grayson. The first team to play was the English MACC team. Emily Dix was on fire during the toss-up round for English, as she led them English's first win this MACC season. The Grayson English team was a really young team. The final score was 35-5, with Rural Retreat taking the first win for English. The second team to play was Math MACC team. Rural Retreat Math MACC team had a new team member, Alexa Price. The math team final score was 25-35, with Grayson taking the win.  Science was the next team to take the stage. Rural Retreat science team, was undefeated until we played Grayson Thursday night. The Science MACC players were very upset after the match Thursday. The Science MACC final score was 43-68, with Science taking their first lost. The fourth MACC team to take the stage was Social Studies. Social Studies were also blowing up the buzzers, during the toss-up round. Rural Retreat beat Grayson, during the Social Studies round by 35 points. The final score for the Social Studies round was 70-35. The final team to compete that night was All-Around. Rural Retreat was ready for the All-Around round, after the other wins. All of the players on Rural Retreat's team were blowing up the buzzers as well that night. Mitchell Cook buzzed in early three times with the correct answer. The Rural Retreat All-Around team took another win this season, beating Grayson 65-15. Rural Retreat did great Thursday, beating Grayson during three rounds. 
-Hannah Addair

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