
Friday, May 20, 2016

Feature: Dog Reunited With His Best Friend

José Andaverde of Columbus, Wisconsin was going through a rough time around two years ago, says the Huffington Post. He lost his house and became homeless, got a divorce, and he had nowhere to turn; he felt like giving up on life. He found a dog, named him Chaos, and soon enough that was the only friend he had. Andaverde claimed that "Chaos helped me with so much through my life, I took him everywhere with me!" When Jose finally had things straightened out and was living a good life, things took a turn for the worse again. Someone stole his beloved companion. This left poor Jose lost and heartbroken once again. "I didn't think I would ever see my dog again," he said. But things would soon turn around again: a Winnebago County Services staff member spotted a dog in her driveway. She took it to the local animal shelter and the dog appeared to have a 2014 National Identification Number on its tag. That same day, Andaverde was looking through old pictures of himself and his old friend, when suddenly his phone rang. It was the animal shelter telling him his dog had been found and was in their custody. He was astonished by the news and immediately got in his car and prepared for the half-hour drive. After two long years, dog and man were finally reunited.  Watch the touching reunion here.

-Aeriel Corvin

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