
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Feature: Nepal Shaken to Pieces

Credits to Art of Anderson
Only last Saturday, a deadly earthquake shook up one of India's neighboring countries, the small south Asian country of Nepal, destroying countless lives and its rich culture.

Hari Kumar
Hari Kumar pictured here, credits to GeoHazards International

Hari Kumar, according to The New York Times, is the Southeast Asia Regional Coordinator for the non-profit organization for GeoHazards International, who is currently researching and reporting information on the recent earthquake.

"We were expecting an 8-magnitude to happen along the Himalayas, this is not it," quoted Kumar, reporting on this disaster. 

Kumar has also quoted, "The stress which was developing west of this earthquake has not been released," to confirm that not all of the data has been confirmed or developed. 

“In several places, the higher seismic risk overlaps with places with poor construction," also quotes Kumar, according to TIME.

Overall, the Nepal earthquake is one of the most devastating natural disasters for the small country since 1934, also recorded by the New York Times.

-Catherine Cober

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