
Monday, May 23, 2016

Ten Things To Do In Public

According to, these are ten things everyone should do in public at some point in there life:

  1. Scream at someone, "You're one of them!" Back away slowly. 
  2. Look at someone through glass and say, "Wow, I'm hideous!"
  3. Find a child, tell them you're him/her from the future. 
  4. Go to Petsmart and buy birdseed; ask how long it will take for the birds to grow.
  5. Throw a small plastic ball at someone and yell, "Get in your ball, you Pokemon!"
  6. When the money comes out of the ATM, scream, "I won! I won! I won!"
  7. Bring a desk in an elevator, and ask people if they have an appointment.
  8. Fill empty bottle of Windex with blue Gatorade, drink, then double over in pain. 
  9. Walk into Sea World with a fishing pole. 
  10. Go up to random people, hold up your ID, and yell, "Have you seen this man?!?"
-Makayla Kowalski

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